Tuesday, October 20, 2015

8h00-9h00: Registration

9h00-9h30: Opening Ceremony

9h30-10h30 (Grand Amphi)

Keynote 1: Dr. Jun Liu, University of Ulster, UK

Title: Combining Data Driven and Knowledge Driven Approaches for Making Sense to Decision Support

10h30-11h00: Coffee Break

11h00-13h00: Session 1 - Machine Learning I (Amphi I)

Chair: Mohamed Benkhalifa, FSR, University Mohamed V of Rabat

ID125 Khalil Laghmari, Mohammed Ramdani and Christophe Marsala.
“A Distributed Graph Based Approach for Rough Classifications Considering Dominance Relations Between Overlapping Classes”
ID141 Samia Laghrabli, Loubna Benabbou and Abdelaziz Berrado.
“A New Methodology for Literature Review Analysis Using Association Rules Mining”
ID61 Naoual El Aboudi and Laila Benhlima.
“A New Wrapper Feature Selection Model Using Skewed Variable Neighborhood Search with CE-SVM Algorithm”
ID127 Azmi Mohamed and Berrado Abdelaziz.
“Towards an Interpretable Rules Ensemble Algorithm for Classification in a categorical data space”
ID57 Hiba Chougrad, Hamid Zouaki and Omar Alheyane.
“Soft Assignment Vs Hard Assignment Coding for Bag of Visual Words”

11h00-13h00: Session 2 - Software Engineering I (Amphi II)

Chair: Omar El Beqqali, FSDM, University Mohamed Ben Abdellah

ID129 Noureddine Kerzazi.
“Conceptual Alignment Between SPEM-Based Processes and CMMI”
ID46 Meryem Elallaoui, Khalid Nafil and Rajaa Touahni.
“Automatic generation of UML sequence diagrams from user stories in Scrum process”
ID155 Selma El Idrissi, Ahmed Zellou and Ali Idri.
“Mapping discovery methodology in a pure P2P mediation system for XML schemas””
ID107 Loubna Mimouni and Ahmed Zellou.
“Quality of data in mediation systems”
ID149 Hind Zahraoui and Mohammed Abdou Janati Idrissi.
“Adjusting Story Points Calculation in Scrum Effort & Time Estimation”

13h00-14h30: Lunch

14h30-16h00: Session 3 - E-learning I (Amphi I)

Chair:Roger Nkambou, UQAM, Montreal

ID111 Mouna Selmi, Hicham Hage and Esma Aïmeur.
“Evaluating LSA Sensibility to Disclosure in Learners’ Interactions”
ID4 Ahmed Al Falahi, Mohammed Ramdani, Mostafa Bellafkih and Mohammed Al Sarem.
“Authorship Attribution in Arabic Poetry Context Using Markov Chain classifier”
ID126 Jihane Sophia Tahiri, Samir Bennani and Mohammed Khalidi Idrissi.
“Using an Analytical Formalism to Diagnostic and Evaluate Massive Open Online Courses”
ID76 Cherkaoui Chihab, Qazdar Aimad, El Mezouary Ali, Battou Amal, Bakki Aicha, Erraha Brahim and Mammass Driss.
“A Model of Adaptation in Online Learning Environments (LMSs and MOOCs)”

14h30-16h00: Session 4 - Mobile Computing and Applications I (Amphi II)

Chair:Abdeslam En-nouarry, INPT

ID146 Ridouane El Mezouary, Mohammed Amine Koulali, Abdellatif Kobbane and Mohemmed El Koutbi.
“Modelling Intelligent and Reliable Ferry Routes in Wireless Sensor Networks using Polling Systems Theory”
ID53 Mohamed Amine Charar, Zouhair Guennoun and Ghassane Aniba.
“Achieving Energy Efficiency for Device to Device Communications using Power Control: impact of Rate Constraint”
ID87 Hajar Elhammouti, Loubna Echabbi and Yann Ben Maissa.
“Maximizing QoS in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks: Memory and time considerations”
ID35 Yasmina Douiji and Hajar Mousannif.
“I-CARE: Intelligent Context Aware system for Recognizing Emotions from text”

16h00-16h30: Coffee Break

16h30-18h30: Session 5 - Web and Applications (Amphi I)

Chair:Ahmed Zellou, ENSIAS, University Mohamed V of Rabat

ID48 Abdelbadie Belmouhcine and Mohammed Benkhalifa.
“Implicit Links Based Kernel to Enrich Support Vector Machine for Web Page Classification”
ID77 Salim Alami and Omar Elbeqqali.
“Cybercrime Profiling: Text mining techniques to detect and predict criminal activities in microblog posts”
ID86 Asmae El Kassiri and Fatima-Zahra Belouadha.
“Towards a Unified Semantic Model for Online Social Networks Analysis and Interoperability”
ID44 Assia Mezhar, Amal Elmzabi and Mohammed Ramdani.
“A novel Approach for Open Domain Event Schema Discovery from Twitter”
ID54 Mouna El Marrakchi, Hicham Bensaid and Mostafa Bellafkih.
““Scoring Reputation in Online Social Networks”

16h30-18h30: Session 6 - Artificial Neural Networks (Amphi II)

Chair:Houda Benbrahim, ENSIAS, University Mohamed V of Rabat

ID101 Bouchra Sefriti and Boumhidi Ismail.
“Neural network incremental conductance MPPT algorithm for photovoltaic water pumping system”
ID60 Anass Bakouri, Hassane Mahmoudi, Ahmed Abbou and Mohamed Moutchou.
“Optimizing The Wind Power Capture By Using DTC Technique Based On Artificial Neural Network For a DFIG Variable Speed Wind Turbine”
ID100 Ridouane Oulhiq, Saad Ibntahir, Marouane Sebgui and Zouhair Guennoun.
“A Fingerprint Recognition Framework Using Artificial Neural Network”
ID28 Youssef Berrada, El Mahjoub Boufounas and Ismail Boumhidi.
“Optimal neural network sliding mode control without reaching phase using genetic algorithm for a wind turbine”

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

9h00-10h00 (Grand Amphi)

Keynote 2: Roger Nkambou, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada

Title: Knowledge Engineering and Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Trends and Prospects

10h00-10h30: Coffee Break

10h30-12h30: Session 7 - Machine Learning II (Amphi I)

Chair: Jun Liu, University of Ulster, UK

ID74 Joudar Nour-Eddine, Fidae Harchli, Abdelatif Es-Safi and Mohamed Ettaouil.
“A Genetic algorithm for solving a new Image restoration model based on Selective filtering”
ID148 Sara Ouaftouh, Ahmed Zellou and Ali Idri.
“User profile model: a user dimension based classification”
ID120 Ababou Mohamed, Mostafa Bellafkih and Rachid El Kouch.
“Fuzzy Ant Colony Based Routing Protocol For delay tolerant network”
ID137 Meryem Setti, Mohammed Abdou Janati Idrissi and Abdelilah Khaled.
“Integrated enterprise system selection based on a fuzzy MCDM approach”
ID98 Jihane Lakhrouit and Karim Baïna.
“Evaluating complexity of enterprise architecture components landscapes”

10h30-12h30: Session 8 - Multi-agents Systems I (Amphi II)

Chair: Abdelaziz Berrado, EMI, University Mohamed V of Rabat

ID32 Mifrah Youssef, En-Nouaary Abdesalam and Mohamed Dahchour.
“A JADE based testbed for evaluating computational trust models”
ID7 Adadi Amina, Berrada Mohammed, Chenouni Driss and Bounabat Bouchaib.
“Ontology based composition of e-Government services using AI Planning”
ID27 Fadwa Chaker, Mohamed Wail Aaminou, Abdellah El Manouar and Rajae Aboulaich.
“CSR Dynamics under Peer Pressure and Green Confusion: a Multi-Agent Simulation Approach”
ID96 Hicham Assoudi and Hakim Lounis.
“Schema Matching as Complex Adaptive System”
ID78 Loubna El Faquih, Hanae Sbai and Mounia Fredj.
“Configurable process models : a semantic validation”

10h30-12h30: Session 9 - Poster (Grand Amphi)

Chair: Sofia Ouhbi, ENSIAS, University Mohamed V of Rabat

ID147 Sara El Ouadaa, Sliman Bah and Abdelaziz Berrado.
“Literature Review Of Supply Chain ICT Requirments”
ID36 Ahlam Alami, Laila Benhlima and Slimane Bah.
“An Overview of Privacy Preserving Techniques in Smart Home Wireless Sensor Networks”
ID58 Fadoua Nejjari, Laila Benhlima and Slimane Bah.
“Overview of event detection and surveillance approaches in heterogeneous WSNs”
ID30 Adil Maarouf, Abderrahim Marzouk and Abdelkrim Haqiq.
”A review of SLA specification languages in the Cloud Computing
ID45 Barki Omar, Guennoun Zouhair and Addaim Adnane.
“Formal verification of MPR selection algorithm in the OLSR protocol”
ID116 Salah Jadda and Mohammed Abdou Janati Idrissi.
“Strategic alignment and Information System project portfolio optimization model”
ID41 Ramchoun Hassan, Janati Idrissi Mohammed Amine , Ghanou Youssef , Ettaouil Mohamed.
“Multilayer perceptron: Architecture Optimization and training”

12h30-14h00: Lunch

14h00-16h00: Session 10 - Software Engineering II (Amphi I)

Chair: Laila Cheikhi, ENSIAS, University Mohamed V of Rabat

ID70 Sara Bouchana and Mohammed Abdou Janati Idrissi.
“Towards an assessment model of end user satisfaction and data quality in Business Intelligence Systems”
ID20 Fatima-Zahra Belouadha, Ouafa El Oinzioui and Mohamed Issam Kabbaj.
“Basics and limitations of approaches for specification of semantic business processes”
ID153 Abdoullah Fath-Allah, Laila Cheikhi, Rafa Al-Qutaish and Idri Ali.
“A best practice based e-government portals’ benchmarking framework”
ID154 Fadoua Fellir, Khalid Nafil and Rajaa Touahni.
“Analyzing the non-functional requirements to improve accuracy of software effort estimation through Case Based Reasoning”
ID156 Saad Yasser Chadli, Ali Idri, Jose Luis Fernandez-Aleman and Joaquın Nicolas Ros
Frameworks for risk management in GSD projects: A survey

14h00-16h00: Session 11 - New Applications (Amphi II)

Chair: Mohamed Ramdani, FSTM, University Hassan II

ID50 Mariame Nassit and Hassan Berbia.
“On the Fetal Heart Rate Diagnostic Technologies”
ID89 Hind Lahmidani and Omar Beqqali.
“Role of supply chain management in improving the organization within Moroccan government”
ID142 Zoubida Chorfi, Abdelaziz Berrado and Loubna Benabbou.
“Selection of Key Performance Indicators for Supply Chain Monitoring usingMCDA”
ID47 Zineb Lanbouri and Said Achchab.
“A hybrid Deep belief network approach for Financial distress prediction”
ID67 Amrane Said, Nawfel Azami and Elboulqe Youssef.
“Optimized algorithm of dermis detection for glucose blood monitoring based on optical coherence tomography”

14h00-16h00: Session 12 - Multi criteria and Optimisation (Grand Amphi)

Chair: Mohamed Abdou Idrissi Janati, ENSIAS, University Mohamed V of Rabat

ID122 Anouar Annouch and Adil Bellabdaoui.
“Gas-filling stations procurement problem: full truck with time windows using a heterogeneous fleet of tankers”
ID139 Asmae El Mokrini, Loubna Benabbou and Abdelaziz Berrado.
“Multi-Criteria Distribution Network Selection: Case of AHP”
ID143 Samia Naciri, Mohammed Abdou Janati Idrissi and Noureddine Kerzazi.
“A Strategic Release Planning model from TPM point of view”
ID152 Mohamed Amine El Majdouli and Abdelhakim Ameur El Imrani.
“Lightning Inspired Search Algorithm: Introduction & application to the traveling salesman problem2
ID62 Nawal Ait Aali, Amine Baina and Loubna Echabbi.
“Trust integration in Collaborative Access Control model for Critical Infrastructures”
ID37 Driss Moujahid, Omar El Harrouss and Hamid Tairi.
“Visual Object Tracking via Sparse Trackers: A Comparative Study”

16h00-16h30: Coffee Break

16h30-18h00: Session 13 - Multi-agents Systems II (Amphi I)

Chair: Zohra Bakkoury, EMI, University Mohammed V of Rabat

ID38 Nouha Adadi, Mohammed Berrada, Driss Chenouni and Bouchaïb Bounabat.
“Modeling and Simulation of Web Services Composition based on MARDS Model.”
ID42 Houda Hammouch, Hicham Medromi and Adil Sayouti.
“Toward an Intelligent System for Project Management Based on the Multi Agents Systems”
ID71 Chaymaa Lamini, Youssef Fathi and Said Benhlima.
“Collaborative Q-learning Path Planning for Autonomous Robots based on Holonic Multi-Agent System”

16h30-18h00: Session 14 - E-learning II (Amphi II)

Chair: Mostafa Bellafkih, INPT

ID59 Nabila Hamdaoui, Mohammed Khalidi Idrissi and Samir Bennani.
“AMEG: Adaptive Mechanism for Educational Games based on IMSLD and Artificial Intelligence”
ID80 Mohamed Yassine Zarouk and Mohamed Khaldi.
“Towards an Intelligent Tutoring System developping Metacognition : Cyclical model”
ID133 Walid Mestadi, Khalid Nafil and Rajaa Touahni.
“Knowledge structuring for learning by level”
ID65 Darouich Asmaa, Khoukhi Faddoul and Douzi Khadija.
“A dynamic learning content pattern for adaptive learning environment”

16h30-18h00: Session 15 - Mobile Computing and Applications II (Grand Amphi)

Chair: Slimane Bah, EMI, University Mohammed V of Rabat

ID144 Echchaachoui Adel, Kobbane Abdellatif and Elkoutbi Mohammed.
“A New Trust Model to secure Routing Protocols against DoS attacks in MANETs”
ID92 Youness Riouali, Laïla Benhlima and Slimane Bah.
“A Benchmark for spatial and temporal correlation based data prediction in wireless sensor networks”
ID138 Sofia Ouhbi, José Luis Fernández-Alemán, Ali Idri et José Rivera Pozo
“Are Mobile Blood Donation Applications Green?”
ID55 Mouad Mansouri, Cherkaoui Leghris and Abdelkrim Bekkhoucha.
“Towards a better combination of the MADM algorithms for the Vertical Handover optimization in a mobile network multi-access environment”

18h00-18h30: Awards distribution and Closing