Call for Special Session Proposals

Special sessions supplement to the regular program for SITA 2015. Each special session should provide an overview of the state-of-the-art and highlight important research directions in a field of special interest to SITA 2015 participants.
To submit special session proposals or for additional information regarding the special sessions, please contact Pr. Ali Idri (

Special Session Requirements

Each special session should comprise of 5 papers. The following information should be included in the proposal:

  • Title of the proposed special session.

  • Names/affiliation of the organizers (including brief bio and contact info).

  • Session abstract (state significance of the topic and the rationale for the proposed session).

  • List of invited papers (including a tentative title, author list and a 300-words abstract for each paper).

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Important Dates

Submission special session proposals
Notification of acceptance of proposals
Special session paper submission
Notification of acceptance papers
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