Call for Papers for Doctoral Symposium

About Doctoral Symposium

The SITA 2015 Doctoral Symposium will provide PhD students working in all areas of intelligent systems with a unique opportunity to interact with renowned and experienced researchers in the field, and discuss with them about their ongoing research. The Doctoral Symposium also aims at establishing a supportive community of doctoral students working on intelligent systems, and promoting social and intellectual interactions among students and researchers from academia and industry. PhD students are invited to send a short paper (2-4 pages) related to their ongoing research. A program committee will review the submissions, deciding upon the acceptance or rejection of the papers. Accepted papers will be discussed in an oral or poster session. An award will be delivered to the best submission at the symposium.

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Important Dates

Submission special session proposals
Notification of acceptance of proposals
Special session paper submission
Notification of acceptance papers
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