SITA’12 is the seventh edition of conferences devoted to the theory and applications of intelligent systems. It is the result of fruitful cooperation between many universities and institutes. SITA’12 is a continuity of the six previous editions: GIISI’01 FST of Mohammedia (April, 2001); GIISI’02 INPT (February 2003); SITA’04 ENSIAS (December 2004); SITA’06 FST of Mohammedia (November 2006); SITA’08 INPT (May 2008); SITA'10 ENSIAS (May 2010). The present edition SITA’12 will be held at the FST of Mohammedia.
This conference aims at presenting the latest research works dealing with up-to-date and emerging theories of Artificial Intelligence using connectionist and symbolic approaches (Fuzzy Logics, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Knowledge Based Systems, Soft Computing, etc.) together with their applications in different engineering fields: Computing, Telecommunications, Networking, Robotics, Data Mining, Image, Video and Audio Processing, Pattern Recognition. Emphasis will be particularly laid on the contribution of these new theories in solving the complex problems that many scientific and industrial communities encounter.
In this call, we solicit original research and technical papers not published elsewhere. The papers can be theoretical, practical and application oriented on the following themes (but not limited to):
- Knowledge management
- Reasoning and management of imprecision and uncertainty
- Machine learning
- Logic programming by constraints
- Data mining
- Classification and Clustering
- Rule-based systems and decision making
- Web semantics
- Natural language processing
- Speech, image and signal processing
- Identification systems analysis
- Multi-Agent systems
- E-learning
- Networking
- ....