The 14th International Conference on
Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications

22-23 November, 2023
FSTM, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco

15 August 2023
31 August 2023
02 October 2023
25 October 2023
22-23 November 2023

SITA Conference
SITA'23 is the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications. It is a conference for the presentation, discussion and dissemination of the theory and applications of intelligent systems. It is the result of fruitful cooperation between many universities and institutions since 2001. This conference brings together leading scientists, researchers and academics in Intelligent Systems from around the world. SITA'23 will be hosted by the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Mohammedia (FSTM). It is the fourteenth in the series of previous editions that have been held since 2001. SITA'23 will be held on November 22th and 23th 2023 at FST, Mohammedia, Morocco.



Previous editions of the conference
SITA'23 is a continuity of previous editions since 2001:
  • SITA'20: organized by INPT-Rabat
  • SITA'18: organized by EMI-Rabat
  • SITA'16: organized by FST-Mohammedia
  • SITA'15: organized by ENSIAS-Rabat
  • SITA'14: organized by INPT-Rabat
  • SITA'13: organized by EMI-Rabat
  • SITA'12: organized by FST-Mohammedia
  • ... show more
  • SITA'10 organized by ENSIAS-Rabat
  • SITA'08 organized by INPT-Rabat
  • SITA'06 organized by FST-Mohammedia
  • SITA'04 organized by ENSIAS-Rabat
  • GIISI'02 organized by INPT-Rabat
  • GIISI'01 organized by FST-Mohammedia
  • The previous editions SITA'13, SITA'14, SITA'15, SITA'16 have been technically co-sponsored by IEEE.
    SITA'18 and SITA'20 have has been published in ACM ICPS.

    The present edition SITA'23 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) with proceedings acquisition, under the registed number #60746. Please see the IEEE Call for Papers.

    Emerging Topics and Scope of the Conference

    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Explainable Artificial Intelligence
    • Big Data
    • Green and Sustainable ICT Development
    • Robotics
    • Evolutionary and Soft Computing
    • Neural Computing
    • Reasoning under Uncertainty
    • Decision Support Systems
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Smart Agriculture
    • Speech and Image Processing
    • E-Health
    • Web of Things and Web Semantics
    • Intelligent and Secure Transport
    • ... show more
    • Cloud and Parallel Computing
    • Cyber-Security and Information Security Systems
    • Multimedia Communications and Processing
    • Telecommunications Protocols and Emerging Platforms
    • Intelligent Software Engineering
    • Embedded Systems and Internet of Things

    Authors are invited to send their original and previously unpublished papers (from 6 to 8 pages) in English following the IEEE templates (Word or Latex). Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore indexed by Scopus, Web of Science, IET and other popular scientific databases. The full papers should be submitted to the SITA'23 on OpenReview.

    Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for possible publication in the Elsevier Journal Scientific African: Special Issue on "Machine Learning for Medical Decision Making".

    Research still in early stages and doctoral research proposals may be submitted and will be included in a special poster session.

    In memory of


    Azzeddine BOULMAKOUL

    The SITA’23 paid tribute to the late Pr. Azedine BOULMAKOUL for his relevant contribution to the previous editions of the conference. He has been one of the original founders of the 1st edition of SITA series GIISI'01 and collaborator in many technical committees of previous editions. Sincere condolences to the SITA family and may God bless his soul.

    In memory of the deceased professor, a special session about Intelligent and Secure Transport will be organized in SITA'23.

    There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will be in our hearts.

    ~M. Gandhi

    Call For Papers


    Intelligent Systems: Theories and applications (SITA) is a conference for the presentation, the discussion and the dissemination of theories and applications of intelligent systems. It is the result of fruitful cooperation between many universities and institutions. This conference brings together leading scientists, researchers and academics in Intelligent Systems from around the world.


    This conference aims at presenting the latest research works dealing with up-to-date and emerging theories of Intelligent Systems together with their applications in different engineering fields: Distributed Computing, Telecommunications, Networking, Robotics, Data Mining, Big Data Mining, Pattern Recognition, Image, Audio and Video Processing. ... show more Emphasis will be particularly laid on the contribution of these new theories in solving the complex problems that many scientific and industrial communities encounter.


    Authors are invited to send their original and previously unpublished papers (from 6 to 8 pages) in English following the IEEE templates (Word or Latex). The accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for pulication. IEEE Xplore is indexed by popular abstracting and indexing databases, such as Scopus, Web of Science, IET, etc.
    The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of your paper. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text. Please see the guidance for IEEE publications regarding AI-generated text.
    ... show more The full papers should be submitted to the SITA'23 through the OpenReview platform.
    Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for possible publication in the indexed Elsevier Journal Scientific African: Special Issue on "Machine Learning for Medical Decision Making".
    Research still in early stages and doctoral research proposals may be submitted as extended abstracts. Accepted abstracts will be included in a special poster session.


    Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier
    Pr. Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier

    Director of Research Emeritus at CNRS
    Sorbonne University
    Talk Title : Similarity measures and fuzzy modeling in data mining

    Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier is a director of research emeritus at the National Centre for Scientific Research and Sorbonne University, the former head of the department of Databases and Machine Learning in the Computer Science Laboratory of the University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6 (LIP6). She is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems and the Co-executive director of the IPMU International Conference held every other year since 1986. B. Bouchon-Meunier is the (co)-editor of 27 books, and the (co)-author of five. She has (co)-authored more than 400 papers on approximate and similarity-based reasoning, as well as the application of fuzzy logic and machine learning techniques to decision-making, data mining, risk forecasting, information retrieval, user modelling, sensorial and emotional information processing.
    She is currently a Former President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and the IEEE France Section Computational Intelligence chapter vice-chair. She is an IEEE Life Fellow, an International Fuzzy Systems Association Fellow and an Honorary Member of the EUSFLAT Society. She received the 2012 IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Meritorious Service Award, the 2017 EUSFLAT Scientific Excellence Award and the 2018 IEEE CIS Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award.


    in Automation and Computer Science
    University of Franche-Comté
    Talk Title : The contribution of Artificial Intelligence to the regulation of hospital emergencies

    Oussama Barakat has been a Professor-researcher at the University de Franche-Comté since 1992, where he has assumed a number of academic and scientific responsibilities. He has been Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Vice President of the University, project manager for PRES Bourgogne Franche-Comté...
    His research interests include industrial engineering and hospital engineering. He has developed several approaches to knowledge modeling and decision support in healthcare systems: decision support for optimizing care pathways, routing caregivers for home hospitalization, modeling and optimization of operating theatres, and regulation of hospital emergencies. He has been responsible for several research projects in the field of artificial intelligence applied to healthcare (Envergure, Interreg France-Switzerland, etc.).

    Special Sessions

    AI for Renewable Energy

    Resp. : A. Berrado & L. Benabbou

    The use of renewable energies has experienced a spectacular boom in recent years. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, over 260 GW of additional capacity was installed worldwide in 2020, accounting for 80% of all installed capacities globally. Solar energy dominates at 48%, followed by wind energy at 43%. Between 2010 and 2019, investments in renewable energies reached $2.6 trillion US dollars. This trend has also been marked by the continued decrease in the cost of energy from renewable sources.

    ... show more From 2019 to 2020, the average levelized cost of energy (LCOE) decreased by 7% for photovoltaic solar and 13% for onshore wind, making these two technologies the cheapest and most competitive compared to other conventional sources such as coal and gas. Despite this success, several challenges remain to be overcome in order to improve the deployment of renewable energies and accelerate their integration into existing energy and electrical systems. The issue of predicting resource availability and energy production in energy complexes is a challenge that deserves innovative approaches to address it. To address this challenge, the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches is both justified and relevant. The performance of machine learning algorithms derived from artificial intelligence is promising for predicting resource availability and energy production in renewable energies. This session will constitutes a special symposium for exchange between researchers and experts from the industrial to shed light on the role of artificial intelligence in the field of renewable energies. Organizing committee:
    Loubna Benabbou (UQAR, Canada)
    Zouheir Malki (IVADO,Canada)
    Hanane Dagdougui (POLYMTL, Canada)
    Abdelaziz Berrado (EMI, Morocco)
    Important dates:
    • Submission deadline: August 15th 2023
    • Notification of acceptance: October 2nd 2023
    • Camera-ready version: October 25th 2023
    • Symposium day: November 23th 2023

    Digital Health

    Resp. : A. IDRI

    During the coronavirus pandemic, some countries have understood the vital importance of technology to assist clinicians and patients and how it has participated in keeping the global spread of the pandemic in check. This is just an example of how digital health could help and save millions of people around the world. In fact, digital health or e-health consists of using IT in the healthcare sector. Many sophisticated technologies are employed to ensure more efficient management and diseases' diagnosis for a better patient care.

    ... show more

    Submission of papers presenting original unpublished work should address current research topics in health informatics, including (but not limited to):

    • Telehealth
    • Gamification and serious games for healthcare
    • Wearable technology to monitor and collect information on health
    • New approaches to measurement, evaluation, comparison and improvement of health informatics
    • Robotic in medecine
    • Digital health literacy
    • Decision-making for healthcare
    • Health data minging and dataset visualization
    • Virtual reality in medecine
    • Remote health care services
    • Audit of e-Health systems
    • Health databases and repositories
    Contact :

    Iot-based Smart Cities

    Resp. : Pr. M. Hamlich & A. El Bouziri

    This session offers an overview of the last scientific contributions in the smart cities realm. We study the features, challenges, and opportunities of smart cities. Indeed, with the emergence of the IoT technology and evolution of embedded systems, smart city become a new norm of modern cities that could face the challenges faced in urban civilization. This session covers all intelligent technologies used in smart cities for various purposes, such as energy consumption, smart and safe transport, Tele-surveillance, neutral carbon, traffic control, etc.

    ... show more

    This session addresses the following research topics in smart cities, including (but not limited to):

    • Smart mobility and transportation
    • IoT and Smart applications
    • Smart buildings
    • Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles
    • ICT infrastructure for Smart Transportation
    • AI powered smart cities

    Intelligent Software Engineering

    Resp. : O. EL BEGGAR

    Nowadays, in every industrial sector, the manufacturing processes and procedures have been almost automated to maximally avoid the human error and intervention. Software manufacturing is no exception. This session is focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered software engineering. In other words, how AI techniques might enhance the Software Development Lifecycle (SDL). The intelligent software engineering could cover all SDL phases: Requirements elicitation, Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Deployment.

    ... show more

    This session is interested also in the application of AI in software project management, such as cost and time estimation, planning project, risk analysis, etc. It addresses the current state of research in intelligent software engineering (ISE), including the following topics (but not limited):

    • No/less code platforms
    • AI software development
    • Robotic Software Testing
    • Robotic Software Coding and Compiling
    • Robotic cyber security
    • NLP for automatic requirements elicitation
    • Soft computing in software engineering
    • Gamified applications to manage teams
    • Automated decisions and management
    • New Models for cost and time estimation in ISE
    • AI to ensure clean and safe code
    • Code generation and optimization
    • AI for UI\UX design and real time feedback
    • DevSecOps automation
    • AI for SDL's automation
    • AI to modernize legacy systems
    Contact :

    Smart Networks and Services


    The domain of telecommunications is metamorphosing further to the liberalization and further to the evolutions of information technologies and company of the services. All the types of networks interconnect and create a value added with the integration of the services in the financial, economic, commercial domains, the communication...

    ... show more

    This session aims to offer the opportunity for researchers and practitioners to exchange issues, challenges, new technologies and solutions of some following topics :

    • Radio Access and Spectrum cluster
    • Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications
    • Network Function Virtualization
    • Mobile Cloud Networking, Planning and Dimensioning
    • Cluster and Smart Grid
    • Sensor Networks and RFID Technologies
    • Antenna theory and feed subsystems
    • Programmable Infrastructure
    • Network Graphs & Algorithms
    • M2M networking for IoT-based Intelligent Environments
    • Mobile Broadband Network
    • Real-Time Monitoring of Available Bandwidth
    • Resource Optimization in Ad Hoc and Wireless Mesh Networks
    • Interaction Among Mobile Cloud Computing Service Provider and Users
    • LTE Tracking Area Management
    • Cloud Service and Contexts Agreements
    Contact :

    AI in Football

    Resp. : M. RAMDANI & K. HASSANI

    Alongside the official SITA'23 sessions, a special workshop related to the applications of AI in football will be organized in parallel. In the ever-evolving world of football, innovation and technology have become indispensable tools for enhancing the game's experience for both players and fans. From cutting-edge analytics to groundbreaking developments in player performance monitoring, the football industry is embracing the digital era with open arms. The AI in Football Workshop, a part of our conference, is your platform to delve into these exciting advancements...
    No more places for this workshop, registration is closed.

    ... show more

    During this workshop, we will explore how technology is shaping the beautiful game and discuss the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analytics. Football, like never before, is a fertile ground for innovation, and this workshop welcomes original contributions and discussions on various topics, including but not limited to:

    • AI in football strategy and decision-making
    • Player performance analysis and tracking
    • Data-driven coaching and training
    • Grassroots initiatives and tech-driven talent development
    Contact :


    final program of SITA'23

    Registration (closed)


    • Registration is required for all participants of SITA 2023.
    • To be published in the SITA 2023 Conference Proceedings an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the conference Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to the conference start.
    • Registration fees include conference sessions, conference proceedings, lunches and coffee breaks.

    Payment method

    • Registration includes: Registration fees for the Conference include attendance for two days, the proceedings, lunches, and cofee breaks.
    • Author of multiple papers: If you have an additional paper accepted for the conference, you should pay a registration fee for each accepted paper
    • Multi-authors paper: Every paper must have at least one author registered. Other co-authors of the same paper wishing to attend the conference should register separately and pay the applicable registration fee. Author registration is non-refundable.
    • ... show more
    • Payment of registration fees: Registration for the conference will only be effective once all fees have been paid.
    • Payment by bank transfer: The only means of payment of the registration fees is the bank transfer to:

      Association AMSI


      Bank Adress : Al Barid BANK, RABAT MADINAT AL IRFANE, Rabat Morocco

      IBAN (24 Digits) : 350 810 0000000007500793 48


      What to send :

      Once the bank transfer done, please send an email to : with a scanned copy of your payment and a copy of the registration form completed (download from the link above).

    Moroccan Academic
    250,00 €
    2500,00 MAD
    International Academic
    300,00 €
    3000,00 MAD
    Participant from Industry
    350,00 €
    3500,00 MAD


    General Chairs

    EL BEGGAR Omar (FST, Mohammedia)
    KISSI Mohamed (FST, Mohammedia)

    Steering Committee

    BAKKOURY Zohra (EMI, Rabat)
    BERRADO Abdelaziz (EMI, RABAT)

    TPC Chairs

    BOUCHON-MEUNIER Bernadette (CNRS LIP6-Paris, France)
    RAMDANI Mohammed(FST, Mohammedia)

    Scientific Committee

    ABNANE Ibtissam (ENSIAS-Rabat, Morocco)
    ABRAN Alain (ETS-Montreal- Canada)
    ACHA Nawfal (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    ADAMS Niall (Imperial College London- UK)
    ALEMAN Jose Luis Fernandez (University of Murcia-Murcia- Spain)
    AL-SAREM Mohamed (UniversityTaibah-Medina, KSA)
    AMAZAL Fatima Azzahra (FS-Agadir, Morocco)
    ANWAR Adil (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    AOURAGH Lhoussain (FSJES Salé-UM5, Morocco)
    AZIZI Mostafa (EST-University Med 1st-Oujda, Morocco)
    BAH Slimane (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    BAHANI Khalid (FST-Mohammedia, Morocco)
    BAHASSINE Said (ENSAM-Casablanca, Morocco)
    BAINA Amine (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    BAKKOURY Zohra (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    BARKA Hafid (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    BEKKHOUCHA Abdelkrim (FST-Mohammedia , Morocco)
    BELLAFKIH Mostafa (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    BELMEKKI Abdelhamid (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    BELMEKKI Elmostafa (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    BELOUADHA Fatima Zahra (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    BEN MAISSA Yann (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    ... show more
    BENABBOU Loubna (UQAR, Canada)
    BENABOUD Hafssa (FSR-Mohammed V University, Morocco)
    BENAINI Redouane (FS-Rabat, Morocco)
    BENHLIMA Laila (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    BENKHALIFA Mohamed (FS-Rabat, Morocco)
    BENOMAR Aziza (INPT, Rabat Morocco)
    BENSAID Hicham (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    BENSLIMANE Abderrahim (University of Avignon, France)
    BERGUIG Youssra (FST-Mohammedia, Morocco)
    BERRADO AbdelAziz (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    BERRICH Jamal (ENSA-Oujda, Morocco)
    BITAR Abdelkader (IEA-UM5, Morocco)
    BORGI Amel (ISI University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia)
    BOUCHENTOUF Toumi (ENSAO-Oujda, Morocco)
    BOUCHON-MEUNIER Bernadette (CNRS LIP6-Paris, France)
    BOULMAF Mohammed (UIR- Rabat, Morocco)
    BOUMHIDI Ismail (FS DM-FES, Morocco)
    BOUZOUBAA Karim (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    CARRILLO DE GEA Juan Manuel (University of Murcia-Murcia, Spain)
    CHANTIT Salima (FST-Mohammedia, Morocco)
    CHAOUNI BENABDELLAH Naoual (ENSIAS-Rabat, Morocco)
    CHEIKHI Laila (ENSIAS-Rabat, Morocco)
    CHEN Shuwei (University of Ulster-Coleraine- UK)
    CHERIF Walid (ESI-Rabat, Morocco)
    CHIKHAOUI Mohamed (IAV-Rabat, Morocco)
    CHORFI Zoubida (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    DAGDOUGUI Hanane (Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
    DAOUDI Mohamed (IMT Lille-Douai, France)
    DELGADO Tatiana (CUJAE-Havana- CUBA)
    DOUZI Khadija (FST-Mohammedia ,Morocco)
    DSSOULI Rachida (University of Concordia-Montreal, Canada)
    EL BAJTA Manal (INSEA-Rabat, Morocco)
    EL BEGGAR Omar (FST-Mohammedia, Morocco)
    EL FADDOULI Nour-Eddine (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    EL Ghazi Hassan (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    EL HASSAN Abelwahed (FSS-UCAM, Morocco)
    EL KHADIMI Ahmed (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    ELBAQQALI Omar (FS DM-FES- Morocco)
    ELBOUZIRI Adil (FST-Mohammedia, Morocco)
    ELHACHEMI Nizar (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    ELMZABI AMAL (FSEJ- UH2M, Morocco)
    ERRAIS Mohammed Amine (FSAC-Casablanca, Morocco)
    FRINI Anissa (UQAR Québec- Canada)
    HADDI Adil (ENSA-Berrachid, Morocco)
    HAMAL Oussama (ENA-Marrakech, Morocco)
    HASBI Abderrahim (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    HOSNI Mohammed (ENSAM-Meknes, Morocco)
    HSSINA Badr (FST-Mohammedia, Morocco)
    IDRI Ali (ENSIAS-Rabat, Morocco)
    KABBAJ Mohammed Issam (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    KANDOUSSI El Mehdi (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    KARKOUR ELMIAD Aissa (FS-Oujda, Morocco)
    KHALID Nafil (ENSIAS-Rabat, Morocco)
    KHALIDI IDRISSI Mohammed (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    KHOSHGOFTAAR Taghi (FAU-Florida- USA)
    KHOUMSI Ahmed (U. Sherbrooke CANADA)
    KISSI Mohamed (FST-Mohammedia, Morocco)
    KRATZ Frederic (INSA Centre Val de Loire-Bourges- France)
    LAHBY Mohammed (ENS-Casablanca, Morocco)
    LAHSEN-CHERIF Iyad (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    LBATH Ahmed (Université Grenoble-Alpes, France)
    LESOT Marie Jeanne (LIP6-Paris, France)
    LETRACHE Khadija (FST-Mohammedia ,Morocco)
    LIU Jun (University of Ulster-Coleraine- UK)
    LOUNIS Hakim (UQAM-Montreal- Canada)
    MADANI Adellah (FS-El Jadida, Morocco)
    MAHMOUDI Abdelhak (ENS-UM5-Rabat, Morocco)
    MALKI Zouhair (IVAD, Canada)
    MAMMAS Driss (FS-Agadir, Morocco)
    MANDAR Meriem (ENS-Casablanca, Morocco)
    MARSALA Christophe (LIP6-Paris, France)
    MARTINEZ LOPEZ Luis (University of Jaen-Jaen, Spain)
    MEZRIOUI Abdellatif (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    MINKU Leandro (University of Leicester- UK)
    MOUJABBIR Mohammed (FP, khouribga)
    MOUMANE Karima (ENSIAS-Rabat, Morocco)
    MOUSSAOUI Omar (University Med 1st Oujda, Morocco)
    NAFAOUI El habib (FS DM-Fes, Morocco)
    NAJI Abdelwahab (ENSA-Oujda, Morocco)
    NAJID Abdellah (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    NKAMBOU Roger (UQAM-Montreal, Canada)
    NOUR EL FATH Mustapha (University Laval-Laval, Canada)
    PARK You-Jin (University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan)
    RACHAD Taoufik (ENSIAS-Rabat, Morocco)
    RACHIDI Tajje-Eddine (AUI-IFRANE, Morocco)
    RADOUANE Mohammed (ENSIAS-Rabat, Morocco)
    RAHMANI Ahmed (Ecole Centrale, LILLE, France)
    RAMDANI Mohammed (FST-Mohammedia , Morocco)
    RANC Daniel (TELECOM Sudparis-Paris, France)
    RAOUYANE Brahim (FSAC-Casablanca, Morocco)
    RETBI Asmae (EMI-Rabat, Morocco)
    RIFQI Maria (LIP6-Paris, France)
    ROBERT Serge (UQAM-Montreal, Canada)
    ROS JOAQUIN Nicolas (University of Murcia-Murcia, Spain)
    SABBAR Wafae (FSJES-Casablanca, Morocco)
    SADDOUNE Mohammed (FST-Mohammedia, Morocco)
    SARDI Lamyae (FS-Rabat, Morocco)
    SAYAGH Mohammed (ETS-Montreal, Canada)
    SELLAMI Asma (University of Sfax-Sfax, Tunisia)
    TAMTAOUI Ahmed (INPT-Rabat, Morocco)
    TESTIK Murat Caner (HacettepeUniversity, Turkey)
    TOVAL Ambrosio (University of Murcia-Murcia, Spain)
    VENTURA SOTO Sebastiýn (University of Cýrdoba-Cýrdoba, Spain)
    WANG Hui (Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland)
    YOUSFI Abdellah (FSEJ-UM5-Rabat, Morocco)
    YOUSSFI Mohamed (ENSET-Mohammedia, Morocco)
    ZAKRANI Abdelali (ENSAM-Casablanca, Morocco)
    ZEITOUNI Karine (UVSQ-Versailles, France)
    ZELLOU Ahmed (ENSIAS-Rabat, Morocco)
    ZEROUAOUI Hasnae (UM6P, Morocco)
    ZINE-DINE Khalid (FS-Rabat, Morocco)

    Organizing Local Committee


    BERGUIG Youssra (FST, Mohammedia)
    CHERIF Walid(ESI, Rabat)
    EL BEGGAR Omar (FST, Mohammedia)
    EL BOUZIRI Adil (FST, Mohammedia)
    HSSINA Badr (FST, Mohammedia)
    KISSI Mohamed (FST, Mohammedia)
    LETRACHE Khadija(FST, Mohammedia)
    SADDOUNE Mohammed(FST, Mohammedia)
    ZINE-DINE Khalid (FS, Rabat)


    EL KAMOUCH Hind(FST, Mohammedia)
    LAOUADI Mohammed(FST, Mohammedia)
    SABRI Tariq(FST, Mohammedia)
    HILLALI Ibrahim(FST, Mohammedia)


    How To Get Here

    SITA’23 will be held from 22-23 November 2023 at the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Mohammedia (FSTM). The faculty contains a large Hall which can be used as an exhibition space, different amphitheaters, and conference rooms that can accommodate all attendees.
    The SITA'23 venue is located in a university campus, including several faculties and high schools, next to large shopping areas and markets. The venue can be reached by car, train and bus stations, as well as from any other part of the city. Traveling from the Mohammed V airport takes about 40 minutes by car, and from the city railway, it takes barely 10 minutes to get to the conference venue.
    The venue is surrounded by a special traffic hub, including car parks, bus and taxi stops, as well as nearby highway accesses. With the environment in mind, it is recommended to use the services of public transportation. The nearest bus stop can be found only 25 meters away from the venue.
    The venue’s location also offers the possibility to visit different touristic attractions:

    • Sablettes Beach: 10 minutes
    • David Beach: 20 minutes
    • Parc Garden: 15 minutes
    • Hassan II Mosque: 30 minutes.
    By Plane

    Morocco has many international airports that allow serving scheduled international flights every day, such as Al Massira, Mohammed V, Saïss, Menara, etc. Mohammed V Airport is the nearest airport to the conference venue.

    Book your flight →
    By Car

    We can get here by car using the highway or a national road. Three highway accesses allow reaching the city of mohammedia. Otherwise, the coastal road is another impressive alternative to get here by car.

    Check Route →
    By Bus

    Traveling by bus to the conference venue are also available through Supratours, CTM, etc. Getting there by bus is generally easy and cheap. It is also a good opportunity to enjoy the panoramic view.

    Book Tickets →
    By Train

    Traveling by the ONCF mainline trains or at an impressive speed of 300 kph with Al Boraq and get there by means of a connection. The cost-effective way to get from Casablanca airport to the venue is with train.

    Book Tickets →

    Facilities & Accommodations

    Stay at highly rated hotels and enjoy a discount offered. Save almost 15% on hotels with special prices for SITA'23 attendees. Do not hesitate to make your reservations earlier, places are limited.

    Search Hotels


    Bp 146, Mohammedia, 20650Morocco

    Phone: (+212) 667763407


    • Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Mohammedia (FSTM)


      Faculty Of Science and Technique Of Mohammedia.


    • AMSI


      Association Marocaine des Systèmes Intelligents.


    • Faculté des Sciences det Techniques de Mohammedia


      Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Mohammedia

    • National Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (INPT)


      National Institute of Posts and Telecommunications.

    • National School of Computer Science and Systems Analysis (ENSIAS)


      National School of Computer Science and Systems Analysis.

    • Mohammadia School of Engineers (EMI)


      Mohammadia School of Engineers.

    • IEEE CIS

      IEEE CIS

      IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.

    • IEEE


      Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

    • HASSAN II University Of Casablanca.


      HASSAN II University Of Casablanca.

    • Mohammed V University in Rabat


      Mohammed V University in Rabat.

    • CNRST


      Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique

    • ANRT


      Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications.