The 14th International Conference on
Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications
22-23 November, 2023
FSTM, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco
SITA Conference
is the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications. It is a conference for
the presentation, discussion and dissemination of the theory and applications of intelligent systems. It is the result of
fruitful cooperation between many universities and institutions since 2001. This conference brings together leading scientists,
researchers and academics in Intelligent Systems from around the world.
SITA'23 will be hosted by the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Mohammedia (FSTM). It is the fourteenth in the series of
previous editions that have been held since 2001. SITA'23 will be held on November 22th and 23th 2023 at FST, Mohammedia, Morocco.
SITA'23 is a continuity of previous editions since 2001:
SITA'18 and SITA'20 have has been published in ACM ICPS.
The present edition SITA'23 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) with proceedings acquisition, under the registed number #60746. Please see the IEEE Call for Papers.
Emerging Topics and Scope of the Conference
- Artificial Intelligence
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data
- Green and Sustainable ICT Development
- Robotics
- Evolutionary and Soft Computing
- Neural Computing
- Reasoning under Uncertainty
- Decision Support Systems
- Natural Language Processing
- Smart Agriculture
- Speech and Image Processing
- E-Health
- Web of Things and Web Semantics
- Intelligent and Secure Transport ... show more
- Cloud and Parallel Computing
- Cyber-Security and Information Security Systems
- Multimedia Communications and Processing
- Telecommunications Protocols and Emerging Platforms
- Intelligent Software Engineering
- Embedded Systems and Internet of Things
Authors are invited to send their original and previously unpublished papers (from 6 to 8 pages) in English following the IEEE templates (Word or Latex). Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore indexed by Scopus, Web of Science, IET and other popular scientific databases.
The full papers should be submitted to the SITA'23 on OpenReview.
Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for possible publication in the Elsevier Journal Scientific African: Special Issue on "Machine Learning for Medical Decision Making".
Research still in early stages and doctoral research proposals may be submitted and will be included in a special poster session.
In memory of
The SITA’23 paid tribute to the late Pr. Azedine BOULMAKOUL for his relevant contribution to the previous editions of the conference. He has been one of the original founders of the 1st edition of SITA series GIISI'01 and collaborator in many technical committees of previous editions. Sincere condolences to the SITA family and may God bless his soul.
In memory of the deceased professor, a special session about Intelligent and Secure Transport will be organized in SITA'23.
There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will be in our hearts.
~M. Gandhi
Call For Papers
Intelligent Systems: Theories and applications (SITA) is a conference for the presentation, the discussion and the dissemination of theories and applications of intelligent systems. It is the result of fruitful cooperation between many universities and institutions. This conference brings together leading scientists, researchers and academics in Intelligent Systems from around the world.
This conference aims at presenting the latest research works dealing with up-to-date and emerging theories of Intelligent Systems together with their applications in different engineering fields: Distributed Computing, Telecommunications, Networking, Robotics, Data Mining, Big Data Mining, Pattern Recognition, Image, Audio and Video Processing. ... show more Emphasis will be particularly laid on the contribution of these new theories in solving the complex problems that many scientific and industrial communities encounter.
Authors are invited to send their original and previously
unpublished papers (from 6 to 8 pages) in English following the
IEEE templates (Word or Latex). The accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for pulication. IEEE Xplore is indexed by popular abstracting and indexing databases, such as Scopus, Web of Science, IET, etc.
The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of your paper. The
sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text. Please see the guidance for IEEE publications regarding AI-generated text.
... show more
The full papers should be submitted to the SITA'23 through the OpenReview platform.
Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for possible
publication in the indexed Elsevier Journal
Scientific African: Special Issue on "Machine Learning for Medical Decision Making".
Research still in early stages
and doctoral research proposals may be submitted as extended abstracts. Accepted abstracts will be included in a special poster session.
Director of Research Emeritus at CNRS
Sorbonne University
Talk Title : Similarity measures and fuzzy modeling in data mining
Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier is a director of research emeritus at the National Centre for Scientific
Research and Sorbonne University, the former head of the department of Databases and Machine Learning in the Computer
Science Laboratory of the University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6 (LIP6). She is the Editor-in-Chief of the International
Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems and the Co-executive director of the IPMU International
Conference held every other year since 1986. B. Bouchon-Meunier is the (co)-editor of 27 books, and the (co)-author of five.
She has (co)-authored more than 400 papers on approximate and similarity-based reasoning,
as well as the application of fuzzy logic and machine learning techniques to decision-making,
data mining, risk forecasting, information retrieval, user modelling, sensorial and emotional information processing.
She is currently a Former President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and the IEEE France Section
Computational Intelligence chapter vice-chair. She is an IEEE Life Fellow, an International Fuzzy Systems
Association Fellow and an Honorary Member of the EUSFLAT Society. She received the 2012 IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society Meritorious Service Award, the 2017 EUSFLAT Scientific Excellence Award and the 2018
IEEE CIS Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award.
in Automation and Computer Science
University of Franche-Comté
Talk Title : The contribution of Artificial Intelligence to the regulation of hospital emergencies
Oussama Barakat has been a Professor-researcher at the University de Franche-Comté since 1992, where he has assumed a number of academic and scientific responsibilities. He has been Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Vice President of the University, project manager for PRES Bourgogne Franche-Comté...
His research interests include industrial engineering and hospital engineering. He has developed several approaches to knowledge modeling and decision support in healthcare systems: decision support for optimizing care pathways, routing caregivers for home hospitalization, modeling and optimization of operating theatres, and regulation of hospital emergencies.
He has been responsible for several research projects in the field of artificial intelligence applied to healthcare (Envergure, Interreg France-Switzerland, etc.).
Registration (closed)
- Registration is required for all participants of SITA 2023.
- To be published in the SITA 2023 Conference Proceedings an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the conference Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to the conference start.
- Registration fees include conference sessions, conference proceedings, lunches and coffee breaks.
Payment method
- Registration includes: Registration fees for the Conference include attendance for two days, the proceedings, lunches, and cofee breaks.
- Author of multiple papers: If you have an additional paper accepted for the conference, you should pay a registration fee for each accepted paper
- Multi-authors paper: Every paper must have at least one author registered. Other co-authors of the same paper wishing to attend the conference should register separately and pay the applicable registration fee. Author registration is non-refundable. ... show more
- Payment of registration fees: Registration for the conference will only be effective once all fees have been paid.
- Payment by bank transfer: The only means of payment of the registration fees is the bank transfer to:
Association AMSI
Bank Adress : Al Barid BANK, RABAT MADINAT AL IRFANE, Rabat Morocco
IBAN (24 Digits) : 350 810 0000000007500793 48
What to send :
Once the bank transfer done, please send an email to : with a scanned copy of your payment and a copy of the registration form completed (download from the link above).
1800,00 MAD
2500,00 MAD
3000,00 MAD
3500,00 MAD