The 13th International Conference on
Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications
26-27 Mai, 2020 INPT, Rabat, Morocco
The SITA'20 on September 23 and 24, 2020 INPT, Rabat.
We adopted this new date since the conference cannot take place in
May, as planned initially due to the COVID19 pandemic.
SITA'20 conference will be
SITA ConferenceSITA'20 is the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications. It is a conference for the presentation, discussion and dissemination of the theory and applications of intelligent systems. It is the result of fruitful cooperation between many universities and institutions since 2001. This conference brings together leading scientists, researchers and academics in Intelligent Systems from around the world. SITA'20 will be hosted by l'Institut national des postes et télécommunications (INPT). It is the thirteenth in the series of previous editions that have been held since 2001. SITA'20 will be held on Mai 26th and 27th 2020 at INPT, Rabat, Morocco.
Topics and Scope of the Conference
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Mining and Knowledge Management
- Data mining and Data Warehousing
- Web Mining and Web Semantics
- Decision Support Systems
- Natural Language Processing
- Multi-Agent Systems
- Distributed Platforms, Middleware, and Computing Paradigms
- Big Data Analytics ... show more
- Cloud and Edge Computing
- Cyber-Security and Information Security Systems
- Multimedia Communications and Processing
- Telecommunications Protocols and Emerging Platforms
- Software Engineering
- Embedded Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Internet of Things
Authors are invited to send their original and previously unpublished papers (6 pages maximum) in English following the template: word ( Template ) or latex. Accepted papers will appear in the ACM’s International Conference Proceedings Series under ISBN. (Scopus indexing)..
The full papers should be submitted to the SITA'20 on easychair
Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for possible publication in indexed international Journals.
ELSEVIER Journal : Special Issue on "Machine Learning for Medical Decision Making"
IJCSA Special Issue on " Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications"
Research still in early stages and doctoral research proposals may be submitted and will be included in a special poster session.
Extended version of selected papers from SITA 2020 may be considered for a journal submission.
Conference Proceedings Accepted papers will appear in the ACM’s International Conference Proceedings Series under ISBN 978-1-4503-7733-1. (Scopus indexing).
Call For Papers
Intelligent Systems: Theories and applications (SITA) is a conference for the presentation, the discussion and the dissemination of theories and applications of intelligent systems. It is the result of fruitful cooperation between many universities and institutions. This conference brings together leading scientists, researchers and academics in Intelligent Systems from around the world.
This conference aims at presenting the latest research works dealing with up-to-date and emerging theories of Intelligent Systems together with their applications in different engineering fields: Distributed Computing, Telecommunications, Networking, Robotics, Data Mining, Big Data Mining, Pattern Recognition, Image, Audio and Video Processing. ... show more Emphasis will be particularly laid on the contribution of these new theories in solving the complex problems that many scientific and industrial communities encounter.
Authors are invited to send their original and previously
unpublished papers (6 pages maximum) in English following the template:
word or latex.
Accepted papers will appear in the ACM’s International Conference Proceedings Series under ISBN. (Scopus indexing).
The full papers should be submitted to the SITA'20
submission link:
... show more
Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for possible
publication in indexed international Journals. Research still in early stages
and doctoral research proposals may be submitted as extended abstracts.
Accepted abstracts will be included in a special poster session.
Directeur of Research Emeritus at CNRS
Sorbonne University
Talk Title : About Explainable A.I.
Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier is a director of research emeritus at the National Centre for Scientific
Research and Sorbonne University, the former head of the department of Databases and Machine Learning in the Computer
Science Laboratory of the University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6 (LIP6). She is the Editor-in-Chief of the International
Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems and the Co-executive director of the IPMU International
Conference held every other year since 1986. B. Bouchon-Meunier is the (co)-editor of 27 books, and the (co)-author of five.
She has (co)-authored more than 400 papers on approximate and similarity-based reasoning,
as well as the application of fuzzy logic and machine learning techniques to decision-making,
data mining, risk forecasting, information retrieval, user modelling, sensorial and emotional information processing.
She is currently the President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and the IEEE France Section
Computational Intelligence chapter vice-chair. She is an IEEE Life Fellow, an International Fuzzy Systems
Association Fellow and an Honorary Member of the EUSFLAT Society. She received the 2012 IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society Meritorious Service Award, the 2017 EUSFLAT Scientific Excellence Award and the 2018
IEEE CIS Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award.
Professor of Computer Science
IMT Lille Douai
University of Lille
Talk Title : AI for Face Analysis and Generation
Mohamed Daoudi is a Professor of Computer Science at IMT Lille Douai and the head of Image group at
CRIStAL Laboratory (UMR CNRS 9189). He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering
from the University of Lille (France) in 1993 and the accreditation to supervise research (HDR)
from the University of Littoral (France) in 2000. His research interests include pattern recognition,
shape analysis and computer vision. He published more than 150 articles including 2 books, 10 invited and keynote papers,
over 50 journals, and over 90 conferences.
He was the General Chair of Shape Modelling International Conference 2015 in Lille.
He has organized several international workshops in conjunction with international conferences such as ICPR,
ACM Multimedia, IEEE FG, Eurographics, ICCV, CVPR. He serves as an associate editor of Image and Vision Computing Journal,
IEEE Trans. MM and Journal of Imaging. He serves as General Chair of IEEE FG 2019.
He is a Fellow of The International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR).
He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of Association of Computing Machinery (ACM).
Professor, Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies y.
College of Information Technolog
UAE University, UAE
Talk Title : Smart ConnectedHealth: Trends, Technologies, and Key Challenges
M. Adel Serhani is currently a Full Professor, and the Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at College of Information Technology, U.A.E University, Al Ain,
U.A.E. Dr. Serhani holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Concordia University, Canada (August 2006), an MSc. in Software Engineering from the University of Montreal,
Canada (January 2002). Serhani’s main research interests are: Cloud for data-intensive e-health applications and services, Smart Connected Health, SLA enforcement in Cloud data centers,
and Big data value chain, Cloud federation and monitoring, non-invasive smart health monitoring, and Web Services applications and security.
Dr. Serhani has a large experience earned through his involvement and management of different R&D projects. He isa Program Co-Chair,
of the International Conference on Web Services, August 2020, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.He was the Program Co-Chair of the IEEE Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT’13),
the Chair of the IEEE Workshop on Web Service (IWCMC’13) and the IEEE Workshop on Web, Mobile, and Cloud Services (IWCMC’12), and the Co-Chair of the International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and their Applications (NDT’12).
His involvement in different R&D projects allowed him to accumulate deep technical and fundamental knowledge while exposed to state of the art research, design, and development challenges.
He published around 130 refereed publications in highly reputable venues including, journals, conferences, a book, and book chapters.
Payment method
Registration includes: Registration fees for the Conference include attendance for two days, the proceedings, lunches, and cofee breaks.
Author of multiple papers: If you have an additional paper accepted for the conference, you should pay a registration fee for each accepted paper
Multi-authors paper: Every paper must have at least one author registered. Other co-authors of the same paper wishing to attend the conference should register separately and pay the applicable registration fee. Author registration is non-refundable.
... show morePayment of registration fees: Registration for the conference will only be effective once all fees have been paid.
Payment by bank transfer: The only means of payment of the registration fees is the bank transfer to:
Association AMSI
Bank Adress : Al Barid BANK, RABAT MADINAT AL IRFANE, Rabat Morocco
IBAN (24 Digits) : 350 810 0000000007500793 48
What to send :
Once the bank transfer done, please send an email to : with a scanned copy of your payment (mentionning your full name and the paper ID(s)).
1500,00 MAD
2500,00 MAD
3000,00 MAD
3500,00 MAD