11th International Conference on
Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications
19-20 October 2016 - FST Mohammedia - Morocco
SITA ConferenceSITA'16 is the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications. It is a major international scientific event organized with the objective of bringing together researchers and industry professionals sharing the Intelligent Systems passion. SITA‘16 aims at presenting the latest research works dealing with emerging Theories and Applications of Intelligent Systems. Emphasis will be particularly laid on the contribution of these new theories in solving the complex problems that many scientific and industrial communities encounter. SITA‘16 will be held on October 19th and 20th 2016 at Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Mohammedia (FSTM), Mohammedia, Morocco.
Topics and Scope of the Conference
Theory, Methods and Tools: Bayesian and Probabilistic Methods - Measures of Information and Uncertainty - Evidence and
Possibility Theories - Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic - Rough Sets - Approximate Reasoning - Multiple Criteria Decision Methods - Aggregation Methods - Swarm Approaches - Graphical Models -
Machine Learning - Big data - Evolutionary
Computation - Neural Networks - Constraint Programming.
Application Fields:
Intelligent Systems and Information Processing - Image, Audio and Video Processing - Networking and Telecommunication - Databases and Information Systems - Information Retrieval and Fusion - Mutli-Agent Systems - Games - Pattern
Recognition - Natural Langage Processing -
Robotics - Internet of Things and Embedded
Systems - Web Mining - Medicine and
Bioinformatics - Finance - Software Engineering - Industrial Engineering.
Journal Special Issues 8 to 12 selected papers from SITA 2016 will be invited to submit revised and extended versions (to be reviewed) for a special issue of AI & Society: Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication: http://link.springer.com/journal/146.
Call For Papers
Intelligent Systems: Theories and applications (SITA) is a conference for the presentation, the discussion and the dissemination of theories and applications of intelligent systems. It is the result of fruitful cooperation between many universities and institutions. This conference brings together leading scientists, researchers and academics in Intelligent Systems from around the world.
This conference aims at presenting the latest research works dealing with up-to-date and emerging theories of Intelligent Systems together with their applications in different engineering fields: Distributed Computing, Telecommunications, Networking, Robotics, Data Mining, Big Data Mining, Pattern Recognition, Image, Audio and Video Processing. Emphasis will be particularly laid on the contribution of these new theories in solving ... show more the complex problems that many scientific and industrial communities encounter.
Authors are invited to send their original and previously
unpublished papers (6 pages maximum) in English following the template:
word or latex.
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
The full papers should be submitted to the SITA'16
submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sita16
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Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for possible
publication in indexed international Journals. Research still in early stages
and doctoral research proposals may be submitted as extended abstracts.
Accepted abstracts will be included in a special poster session.
Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. University of Cordoba
Dpt. Computer Science and Numerical Analysis. University of Cordoba
Campus Universitario de Rabanales. Edificio Albert Einstein
14071 Córdoba (SPAIN).
Sebastian Ventura (M’07-SM’09) is currently Full Professor on Computing and Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Computer Science and Numerical Analysis at the University of Cordoba, where he heads the Knowledge Discovery and Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory. He received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in sciences from the University of Cordoba, Spain, in 1989 and 1996, respectively.
He has published more than 200 papers in journals and scientific conferences, and he has edited three books and several special issues in international journals. He has also been engaged in 12 research projects (being the coordinator of four of them) supported by the Spanish and Andalusian governments and the European Union. His main research interests are in the fields of soft-computing, machine learning, data mining, and their applications. Dr. Ventura is a senior member of the IEEE Computer, the IEEE Computational Intelligence and the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Societies, as well as the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM).
Associate Professor
Department of maths and industrial engineering
Polytechnique Montreal and GERAD
University of Montreal
Issmail El Hallaoui received his bachelor degree in 1996 from ENSIAS,
Morocco and Ph.D. degree in 2006 from Polytechnique Montréal. He is
currently Associate Professor of Operations Research at Polytechnique
Montréal. He occupied visiting positions at some prestigious universities: MIT
(Massachussets Institute of Technology, USA) in 2010, University of
Waterloo (Canada) in 2012, KFUPM (King Fahd University of Petroleum and
Minerals, Saudi Arabia) in 2016.
He developed several exact primal approaches for hard
degenerate/combinatorial problems including the famous set partitioning
problem. He is also active in the field of real time optimization. He published
in top journals like Math. Programming and Operations Research. His
research is well supported by Canadian and Quebecer funding centers and by
the industry.
Exhibition Program
SITA'16 will host Demos and exhibitions of Smart Applications and Smart Robots during the conference days.
Scientific researchers working on Smart Robots and developers will be given the opportunity to present the abilities of their Smart Robots and their software applications to draw the attention of industrials and guests.
Program Smart Applications:
Authorship attribution in Arabic poetry using machine learning
Ahmed Alfalahi (INPT,FSTM)
Realization of Transport Management System
Mouhcine Tassine (FSTM)
Gaze tracking used in education system
Asmaa Darouich (FSTM)
A mobile application based on a recommendation system
Khalil Laghmari (FSTM)
Program Smart Robots:
Yvann lionel Onguene, RakotoArinor O Tantely (SUPAERO Casablanca)
Soufiane Mhidra, Chafik Ahmed Amine, Wifak Anass (ENSAM Casablanca)
Mouaad El mornan, Oussama Rholam (EMSI Casablanca)
Mohcine Chami, Youssef Rochdi, Abdelmoughite Ljoyadi (EMSI Casablanca)
Payment method
Registration includes: Registration fees for the Conference include attendance for two days, the proceedings, lunches, and cofee breaks.
Author of multiple papers: If you have an additional paper accepted for the conference, you should pay a registration fee for each accepted paper
Multi-authors paper: Every paper must have at least one author registered. Other co-authors of the same paper wishing to attend the conference should register separately and pay the applicable registration fee. Author registration is non-refundable.
... show morePayment of registration fees: Registration for the conference will only be effective once all fees have been paid.
Payment by bank transfer: The only means of payment of the registration fees is the bank transfer to:
Association AMSI
Bank: Al Barid BANK, RABAT MADINAT AL IRFANE, Rabat Morocco
IBAN (24 Digits) : 350 810 0000000007500793 48
What to send :
Once the bank transfer done, please send an email to : smartsys.assoc@gmail.com with:
- a scanned copy of your payment (mentionning your full name and the paper ID(s)).
- a scanned copy of your student ID – only for students.
- a scanned copy of your IEEE ID - only for IEEE members.
1500,00 MAD
2500,00 MAD
3000,00 MAD
3500,00 MAD